Survivor Space Oxfordshire Referral Form

This form is to refer yourself or someone else to Survivor Space's face-to-face services.

Please complete this form with as much information as possible. If there is a question you feel uncomfortable answering here and would prefer to discuss in person, feel free to leave it blank.

If you need support to complete this form, please contact us on 01865 725311.

Your information will be kept safe and treated with care and respect. Information will be shared where there is a legal obligation of safeguarding concern/risk. Your personal information will not be shared with anyone outside of Survivor Space without your explicit consent in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998.

We would recommend that survivors who require support refer themselves directly. However, if they are not able to do this, professionals and supporters can also make a referral via this form.

You must have the consent of the survivor to make a referral on their behalf.

The SEE Project services are confidential and the information provided by survivors is confidential unless:
a young woman and girl or anyone under the age of 18 years old is in danger or at risk of significant harm.

Required fields are shown with a *


Referrer Type*
Referrer Type 2*
Person being referred

First Name*
Last Name*
Tel No*
Email Address
GP Name / Practice or Surgery Name
Ethnicity 1*
Ethnicity 2
Ethnicity 3
What is your employment/education status?

Any children and any adults who are dependent on your care

Dependant 1
Dependant 2
Dependant 3
Your experience(s) of sexual violence

These fields are not required. Please leave blank if you are not comfortable answering the following questions

(CSA means 'Childhood Sexual Abuse')

(e.g. friend, cousin, stranger)
Service information

Please select from the options below.
Service criteria /explanation of services (Click here to show/hide details)
Additional information

(If you are a student at school, college or university, please provide additional info here e.g. the name of your school, college and course.)
Please tick box below to show consent given for referral to Survivor Space services and agreement to Survivor Space’s privacy policy*